- My daughter isn't eating like I am, but she has cut way back on grains & crappy foods. In the past week or so, she is down 5-6 lbs and her clothes are feeling looser. I'm still going to allow her to eat some of the better grains, as she's only 11 yrs old and still growing.
- Overall my kids and I are eating WAY better and all these delicious foods.
- Through all of what I'm doing, I am mindful that it is God that equips and empowers me. I'm truly amazed there are no real cravings. Not sure if God just eliminated those cravings or that they are from eliminating grains/starches & keeping sugars low. Either way, I'm very happy. I'm seeing my daughter's cravings for unhealthy things drop a lot.
- Being an avid exerciser and wearing one of my Polar Heartrate monitors when I workout has helped me see how quickly my body adapts to workouts and working out.
- Definitely a lot of room for improvement with this workout needed, but kept good form.
- My 11-yr old daughter did her first tabatas. Actually, it was 4 exercises @ 20:10 intervals and she did 4 rounds, so that's basically like 2 tabatas as a Tabata = 4 min. and she went for 8 min. I think maybe that was a bit too much for her. Made sure she did a good cooldown, but she was really tired from 8 min. of these HIIT. I am VERY proud of my daughter for these changes she is choosing to make in her life to be healthier & fitter.
SMARTER GOAL: Push, but not too hard on my workout since my left wrist is still mildly hurting.
SLEEP: 11:45 pm - 5:45 am (6 hrs) My BP was 136/80, 67 bpm after about an hr in bed. It probably was lower than this when I woke up but I didn't feel like taking it and let my alarm ring. I wanted to sleep for another 45 more minutes but wasn't sleepy.
7:00 am - 3 Probiotics
7:15 am - Heart Meds, 3 Multi-Vitamins, 3 EFAs, 4 Ca/Mg/Z
1:45 pm - 2 packets of Emergen-C Lite (400 mg potassium) - one is Vitamin C, the other MSM
8:00 pm - 3 Multi-Vitamins, Heart Meds, 1 EFA
EATING: Jorge Cruise's Fast Track Menu (Day 8)
Meal 1 @ 7:15 am: 3-egg scramble w/sea salt & ground pepper, 2 turkey sausage links (low fat), 1/2 avocado, sliced
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Asparagus, 2 oz tongol tuna in water, avocado |
Snack @ 4:30 pm: 12 macadamia nuts
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New England Clam Chowder |
Equipment Used: Yoga mat, Polar Heartrate Monitor RS200SD, GymBoss Timer, Swiss Ball, Pampered Chef Timer, Foam Roller
Warmup (2 rounds): 2:52 (didn't want to put any weight on my left wrist)
Jumping Jacks x 20
Squats x 18 reps
Funk Roberts - Spartacus Workout #2 (3 rounds): Each exercise is max reps in 60 sec followed with 15 sec rest all the way through. 1 Round = 12:30. This is a 41 min. workout not including warmup and cooldown.
1. High Knees - Reps = 187, 178, 180
2. Jump Split Lunges - Reps = 26, 29, 29
3. Alternating Side Jump Lunge Exercise - Reps = 33, 33, 37
4. Alternating Sumo High Knees with Elbow (same side) to Knees (video at 4:14) - Reps = 52, 47, 51
5. Swiss Ball Butt Bridges - Reps = 23, 23, 27
6. Russian Twist Feet on Floor - Reps = 49, 60, 69
7. Surfer Stance Switch (Squat, Touch the Ground, Jump to Flip Side, Squat, Touch Ground) (video at 0:47) - Reps = 21, 20, 21
8. Side-to-Side Jump Tucks (video at 2:22) - Reps = 11, 12, 12
9. Alternating Sumo Squat, Straight Leg Side Raise - Reps = 17, 17, 17
10. Log Jump Overs (Note: I jumped with both feet together, harder) - Reps = 35, 33, 35
Cooldown: 16:51 ---> stretching out entire body from neck to ankles. Today used foam roller on back, quads, calves, shins, IT band (ow!)
Warmup: Max HR = 114 bpm, Avg HR = 103 bpm ---> Good that I'm not having HR spikes here.
Round 1: Max HR = 169 bpm, Avg HR = 134 bpm
Round 2: Max HR = 153 bpm, Avg HR = 141 bpm
Round 2: Max HR = 153 bpm, Avg HR = 144 bpm
Cooldown: Max HR = 149 bpm, Avg HR = 118 bpm ---> Starting to recover faster!!!
Total Time: 1:01:27
Calories Burned: 809
Max HR: 169 bpm
Avg HR: 132 bpm
Zone 1 = 10:14, Zone 2 = 9:12, Zone 3 = 11:24, Zone 4 = 11:34, Zone 5 = 0:56
Notes: Though this felt like the toughest workout so far, my heartrates show my body is quickly adapting to getting back into exercising regularly. I had to change out 8 of the exercises for ones that I would not bear any weight on my left wrist. Even lifting up my keyboard with my left hand is causing my wrist a lot of pain, so there was no way I was going to make this worse.
So, this workout is mainly leg intensive and was super killer. Lots of jumping, and I could not jump high or as much as I would've wanted to. One minute with these exercises jumping is A LOT and I got tired quickly. This was an all bodyweight workout and though I am disappointed that after over a year of no injuries and injuring my wrist somehow over the weekend or late last week is disappointing, this isn't going to stop me from working out.
All the exercises require your core to work and most of them are full body exercises. There are so many choices. Anyway, I've got to find some exercises to help me work on strengthening my wrists and work out trigger points and stretch my forearm/wrist areas. I plan on not bearing any weight on any of my exercises this week on my left wrist. Just going to give it a break for one week.
Most of the exercises come from Zuzana Light. Totally love her. These moves are when she was on BodyRock TV. She is incredibly fit and has an awesome body.
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