- My BP was 120/82, 60 bpm. The top number continues to drop. Good. Not sure what makes the lower number go lower.
- Having a sick child today at home, as well as dental appointments for both kids that were scheduled 6 months ago that we HAVE to go to was not in my plans today. Won't get as much writing done today as I had hoped, but I will workout.
- When I weighed myself on the scale today, it shows more drop in weight by almost another pound.
- I'm on my period right now. Two months in a row of having my period, which is unusual for the birth control I'm using. Untightening my psoas has really helped me with my lower back, as well as the birth control I'm using.
- The reason why I eat avocados daily is because we have a lot of them at home and I need to eat them before they go bad. I'm still continuing to release bodyfat, so that's not an issue - at least whatever is in avocado, which fat is one of the things.
SMARTER GOAL: Be focused today on my writing, as my kids have a dental appointment at 2 pm, and that cuts my writing time by nearly 2 hrs. ---> Didn't get all that I wanted done, but did still get a lot inspite of dental appoints, sick daughter, karate, running errands, helping with homework, fixing computer, making meals.
SLEEP: 10:30 pm - 6:00 am (7.5 hrs) ----> Wasn't quite ready to wake up but my daughter was up and really noisy, which woke me up. Shortly later, her throwing up got me up quickly. Sick child home from school but is required to make her dental appointment still that was made 6 months ago.
7:15 am - 3 Probiotics
8:20 am - Heart Meds, 3 Multi-Vitamins, 3 EFAs, 4 Ca/Mg/Z
8:15 pm - 3 Multi-Vitamins, Heart Meds, 1 EFA
EATING: Jorge Cruise's Fast Track Menu (Day 12)
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Cottage cheese, almonds, cinnamon |
Meal 2 @ 12:40 pm: 2 scoops of protein powder (low in sugar) with cinnamon, cold water ---> post workout drink
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Wild Arugula Salad |
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Cilantro-Parmesan Chicken & Brussel Sprouts |
Still letting wrist heal & forearm. Doing some trigger point therapy on forearm today as it's way less sore.
Equipment Used: Yoga mat, Polar Heartrate Monitor RS200SD, GymBoss Timer, Swiss Ball, Pampered Chef Timer
Warmup (2 rounds): 3:25 (didn't want to put any weight on my left wrist)
- Squats x 20 reps
- Jumping Jacks x 20
- High Knee Lifts x 20 total
1. High Knees - Reps = 177, 186, 204 (best this week)
2. Jump Split Lunges - Reps = 29, 34, 32 (similar to Wednesday)
3. Alternating Side Jump Lunge Exercise - Reps = 40, 44, 48 (a little better than Wednesday)
4. Alternating Sumo High Knees with Elbow (same side) to Knees (video at 4:14) - Reps = 45, 47, 60 (best this week)
5. Swiss Ball Butt Bridges - Reps = 34, 34, 50 (best this week)
6. Russian Twist Feet on Floor - Reps = 70, 77, 90 (best this week)
7. Surfer Stance Switch (Squat, Touch the Ground, Jump to Flip Side, Squat, Touch Ground) (video at 0:47) - Reps = 23, 27, 25 (a little better than Wednesday)
8. Side-to-Side Lunge Jump Tucks (video at 2:22) - Reps = 15, 17, 18 (best this week)
9. Alternating Sumo Squat, Straight Leg Side Raise - Reps = 17, 21, 21 (similar to Wednesday)
10. Log Jump Overs (Note: I jumped with both feet together, harder) - Reps = 41, 47, 63 (best this week)
Cooldown: 5:46 ---> stretching out entire body from neck to ankles quickly. Got stuff to do.
Warmup: Max HR = 126 bpm, Avg HR = 114 bpm ---> HRs a bit higher today's warmup
Round 1: Max HR = 150 bpm, Avg HR = 137 bpm ---> Good range
Round 2: Max HR = 158 bpm, Avg HR = 148 bpm
Round 2: Max HR = 159 bpm, Avg HR = 151 bpm
Cooldown: Max HR = 149 bpm, Avg HR = 128 bpm ---> Recovery not as good today as Monday still
Total Time: 51:03
Calories Burned: 755 (burned 200 fewer calories because cooldown was shortened)
Max HR: 159 bpm - lower max HR by 20 bpm from Wed, which is good
Avg HR: 141 bpm - slightly higher average today due to much shorter cooldown by 15 min.
Zone 1 = 8:49, Zone 2 = 6:08, Zone 3 = 10:08, Zone 4 = 18:35, Zone 5 = 2:50
Notes: My Zone heartrates show my body is adapting and though I pushed hard and did much better in reps in the same amount of time for most exercises, my heartrates did not stay in the higher zones as much, which Zones 4 & 5, I'm burning off sugar first. Since I don't have hardly any sugar in my system, I'm hoping it goes to burning fat as its source of fuel instead.
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