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Mindset: A Perfect Day

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3) Write down your Perfect Day.  I used the same as AA1 as it still holds true.

My children and I are on some gorgeous beach, in a luxurious beach house. The kids are still sleeping.

I wake up after a restful night's sleep of enough, sound, deep, peaceful sleep filled with God talking to me in my dreams.  Upon waking, I smile - praising God silently with songs of how great it is to be alive and His goodness, just having a heart of Thanksgiving.

I go to journal the dreams and interpret what God was saying to me because He and I have a close relationship where I enjoy going to sleep and having Him talk to me, as it's one of the ways He speaks to me and downloads things that He cannot do when I'm awake.  Afterwards, I spend time in more worshipping God in the quietness in song & dance, sort of pray worshipping.  Actually, I'm doing this outside, on the front porch of the beachhouse.

My kids quietly come outside and join me in worshipping God, prayer time, seeking the face of God.  The house face easts overlooking the ocean.  The sun is just beginning to rise, with the myriads of colors falling upon the still, quiet ocean - showing God's majesty.  By this time, my kids and I are now out on the sand, sing praise & love songs to Jesus and praying, lifting up our petitions, confessions, and thanksgivings to God.

After worship & prayer to the Lord, I make a healthy, nutritious, energetic green smoothies.  We spend some time reading & sharing about the Bible together, doing our gratitudes & blessings outloud.  Then, together we do a 20-min. fat-burning, strengthening workout, and another 30 min. or so doing some yoga.   Afterwards, we shower, dress, and set off on our day.

My family, a bunch of my friends, and I have rented out a good portion of the island.  My kids have set out to go play some with family & friends in the nearby bungalows, cottages, beach houses while I spend a couple hours trading futures successfully and profitably.    Then I spend a couple more hours working on some clients' mechanical designs where they are paying me a lot for just a little work.  Made a bunch of money in trading & engineering.

The rest of the afternoon & evening is left for spending time with family & friends. 

I meet the kids, some friends at my house where we have a delicious, healthy, fulfilling lunch for everyone, where everyone participates in preparing for the meal.  This meal is energizing.  We spend time talking.

We go to the beach, do some running, snorkeling, swimming for a few hours - enjoying family & friends.

The evening, we build a bonfire and watch the sunset over the other side of the island - having delicious seafood, fresh fruits & veggies for dinner.  We talk, sing, laugh have a great time.

Finally it's time for the kids & I to go back to our beach house, shower, get ready for bed.  The air is nippy, so we build a fire in the fireplace, drinking a warm herbal tea.  We spend some more time in prayer, worship and Bible time together, as well as share our gratitudes & blessings for the day. 

I tuck each of the kids in bed and pray over them again as I go to my own room to do a little reading before bed before 10 pm.  I close my eyes, take a deep breath and thank God for yet another incredible day and look forward to meeting God in my dreams.

As a side note, theer are many perfect days that I envision.  I've had many perfect days in my life, even if on the outside they do not look perfect.

The perfect day truly, for me, is to walk closely with God every step of the day, embracing Truth that comes into my life, while seeing lies coming at me and avoiding them.  It's to live boldly and abundantly, with purpose, positively making a difference in the lives of others and for the Kingdom of God.

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