Index Labels

Ageless Abs2

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I'm about to start on the 2nd round of the Ageless Abs program.  In the first round, my results were pretty good and there was so much I learned that was life changing and was able to incorporate into my life somewhat.  But, the thing was, I am still challenged with completely incorporating some of the things that were learned due to lifelong habits and mindsets that still need to be turned around.

There are some things that are no brainer for me that are completely ingrained in me to do and it isn't a challenge:
  • Brushing my teeth
  • Writing my daily gratitudes
  • Verbalizing my blessings & gratitudes daily with my children
  • Pray
  • Making my bed
  • Drink water
  • Eat breakfast
Those are 5 things I always do no matter what.  There are other things I do often, but not every single day.
  • Shower (usually I don't if I'm sick)
  • Floss
  • Read my Bible
  • Worship God in song or dance
  • Read a book (other than the Bible)
  • Take my heart meds
  • Get dressed
  • Brush my hair
  • Have protein & fiber at every meal
These are things I do, but take conscious effort and often are a challenge:
  • Completely rely on God throughout each and every day for everything instead of on myself
  • Eat small meals frequently, keeping sugars low on a consistent basis
  • Drinking ENOUGH water throughout the day consistently
  • Getting moderate exercise consistently and incorporating HIIT workouts in
  • Getting enough sleep every night & keeping good sleep hygiene
  • Reframe situations and not be reactive, rather responsive
  • Change my course of action when there is "danger" (being wise)
  • Be organized with my time, paperwork, thoughts (it's easy for me to get side-tracked & spend too much time on things that don't matter in the long run or to do too much of a good thing)
  • Being balanced in doing things.  When I get excessive, then this leads to burnout and I don't want to do anything.  So, I need to balance this so I can keep going for the long run.
As I think about that last list of items, that list can be quite extensive.  However, doing the first thing and eventually such that it becomes so ingrained in me that it gets on the first list, the following things will be byproducts of surrendering completely to the Lord Jesus Christ each and every day throughout the day.

As a former Type A control freak, there are still remnants of that person that needs to be destroyed.  Having a submitted, surrendered life does not mean that I kick back and do nothing, but it's walking out life in faith in Jesus Christ that is very active and not wanting control over other people, events, situations or things.  It is trusting God that His ways are better than my ways, especially when things don't turn out like I'd like them to.

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