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5-Day Food Journal: Day 3

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Meal 1 (8:15 am):  1/2 serving of dinner last night - pesto tortellini & meatballs (4.5 g sugar)

Meal 2 (1:00 pm):  a pesto chicken wrap (4 g sugar)

Meal 3 (3:45 pm):  a smoothie - 3/4 cup pineapple (14 g sugar), 1 cup blueberries (12 g), 2/3rds mango (21 g sugar), 1 serving coconut water (10 g sugar), 2 servings organic rice milk (20 g sugar), cinnamon, 2 tbspns psyllium husk, 1 scoop chocolate Isagenix IsaLean powder ----> I drank 2/3rds of this.  My son drank the other 1/3.  (52 g sugar)

Meal 4 (7:00 pm):   1/2 cup brown basmati rice, 1/2 cup beef veggie (broccoli, peppers, onions, zucchini) yellow curry (2.5 g sugar - guessing) -- this is a homecooked meal and I did not add any sugar to this meal, so it's just whatever is in cooked veggies & light coconut milk

Meal 5 (8:30 pm):  I was still hungry after what I had for dinner.  2 scrambled eggs with 1/4 cup brown rice, 1 chicken sausage, 1/4 cup onions, grapeseed oil (1 g sugar)

Total Sugar = 66 g

Though it is under 110° F, we keep the house pretty warm in the day.  And, we were out all morning with the kids at swim and errands into the first half of the afternoon.  It's hot.

Been a very productive day.

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